Tauche ein in den süßen Geschmack der Tropen mit unseren neuen Ananasstücken – ein exotisches Vergnügen, das fair und nachhaltig in Ghana seinen Ursprung findet. Genieße jeden Bissen und lass die Sonne auf deiner Zunge tanzen, ganz ohne Zuckerzusatz!

  • Exotic, fruity flavour with no added sugar
  • Fair and sustainably produced in Ghana
  • Support for Fairtrade farmers
  • 100% natural ingredients for unadulterated enjoyment
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3,29 € Ab 3,29 €
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Immerse yourself in the incomparably sweet flavour of our new pineapple pieces - a real highlight for your snack moments! These exotic treats are grown fairly and sustainably in Ghana and support local agriculture. With no added sugar, they bring the pure flavour of the tropics straight to your home. With every bite, you support Fairtrade farmers and promote fair working conditions and sustainable farming methods. Enjoy the natural flavour and sunny sweetness of our pineapple pieces.

Diet form

*According to recipe, cross-contamination possible.
Drei Ananasfrüchte, eine davon quer halbiert.

Unsweetened Pineapple: So Fair. So Good.

Juicy, sweet, and fair – that's the new Fairtrade pineapple from Seeberger. An exotic snack with no added sugar, it impresses not only with its natural flavor, but also with its sustainable origins and fair production conditions. Let us show you how our pineapples are harvested and processed by our partners in Ghana before the delicious pieces make their way into our packaging.

Find out more about our pineapple

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