From Tree-Fresh Mango to Snacky Gold Nugget

Collection: From Tree-Fresh Mango to Snacky Gold Nugget

Juicy, sweet, and sensationally delicious – the mango is a natural work of art. Packing it into a snack bag without losing its tropical flair? Sounds nearly impossible. But here’s your safari ticket – for a colorful tour through Ghana's rainforest, showing you how the juicy fruit bomb becomes a bright yellow snack delight.

Image of Anna Moscagiuri
Anna Moscagiuri
Lesedauer: 5 minutes
Mangobaum mit noch wachsenden Mangofrüchten.

The Vibrant Pulse of the Jungle

From Ghana's lush plantations to the green fields of Côte d'Ivoire – Africa's west coast is a vibrant canvas, painted with nature's colors and shapes. Here, agriculture doesn't just happen – it's celebrated, in a rhythm as old as the earth itself. Rainy seasons and dry periods alternate, days and nights are practically equal in length. With the equator so close, temperatures fluctuate more between day and night than between summer and winter. It’s a year-round blooming paradise for flora and fauna.

Ghana's Garden of Eden

Deep in the heart of Ghana, where sunbeams roast the savanna and rain brings salvation, colorful fruits grow in an abundance only tropical climates can produce. We all know and love them: pineapples, bananas, avocados, papayas, coconuts... – in this place, our mangos begin their journey.

Mangos in einer Fabrik auf einem Fließband und in einem Wasserbad.

Mango Mania All Year Round

Most of Seeberger's mangoes come from Africa. Sometimes, though, we need larger quantities than these producers can supply – that's when we might reach out to farmers in South America, particularly in Peru. This not only helps us securely cover our demand but also spreads the harvest peaks evenly throughout the year: In Africa, the mango harvest booms between May and July, while in Peru, the peak phase is from December to February. Although the summer harvest is a bit more extensive, we can turn freshly picked mangoes into sun-to-go snacks all year round – whether the sun is sizzling or snow is falling in Europe.

Peel, Slice, Lay Out

Transforming juicy mangoes to delicious delicacies is a carefully coordinated process. Mangos that aren't fully ripe are allowed to ripen until they're perfect. Afterward, their color is checked, and any damaged or "inhabited" fruits are sorted out. After washing, the mangoes are given a loving hand treatment: They are first peeled, then sliced into the characteristic wedges you find in the bag. A brief dip in a sulfur solution preserves their vibrant yellow color and protects them from spoilage and insects.

Menschen in einer Fabrik verarbeiten Mangos.

Golden Snacks, Green Packaging

We don't mind emphasizing it: We love sustainability. And we place the utmost importance on it not just in terms of ingredients, but in our packaging too. For our snack bags, we’ve found an innovative, remarkably thin mono-material film, saving us a whole 20% of material. The Seeberger flat bags are also recyclable. It’s a small but significant step forward on our journey of commitment – for the Earth and everything that lives on it.

Mangoes: Tropical Artworks and Ambassadors of Ghana

The dried mangoes from this fascinating jungle world are more than just a snack. They're a window to a place where nature's treasures are processed with tradition. Every bite tells the story of careful production and deep connection to nature. Our mangoes are proof of the richness of Ghanaian soil, and they serve as both symbol and guide: They show that global efforts for sustainability and ethical production literally bear fruit.