The Basis For Our Quality: Fair & Sustainable Partners From All Over The World.

Almonds are magic! Delicious protein boosters and super nutritious. And it’s not just the nut that packs a punch, but the whole plant: At the end of its 25-year, high-yielding life, the almond tree becomes a true climate hero. Once chopped up and worked back into the soil, it can bind a huge amount of CO2 underground. What sounds almost like composting is actually a very effective method of permanently removing the climate-damaging gas from the air. Each hectare absorbs up to 2.4 tons of carbon dioxide – the equivalent of a whole car-free life. And it even improves soil health and water retention capacity. This in turn benefits the almond tree offspring.

To irrigate pecan fields, they are often simply flooded. Although this pleases the trees, the majority of the water seeps away without any added value and the water consumption is enormous. Our partner in Arizona therefore relies on so-called “micro-sprinklers”: they transport the water directly to the roots of the trees with virtually no loss. Cover crops are planted to support the soil ecology and attract beneficial insects for a nutritious soil. They create wellness oases for fields that need to take a deep breath and come to rest. In this way, the soil regains its full energy for the next harvest. And the pecan shells? They are processed directly into fertilizer for the plantations.

Our partner in Italy protects nature with measures that are as clever as they are simple. For example, he uses the nutshells – which remain as waste elsewhere – as fuel for heating systems. In addition, his trees receive water drop by drop from the surrounding wells in order to precisely meet their moisture and nutrient requirements. We say: Arrivederci water waste!

Our mangoes come from good conditions. In Ghana, our partner pays particular attention to the well-being of all workers. In return, it offers many things that are far from standard here in Germany: for example, a shuttle service to and from work, an in-house crèche, a free canteen and the opportunity for professional development. Since 2012, we have been working very closely with our partner in Ghana, who can even harvest all year round thanks to smart crop rotation. This has already created over 1,000 jobs that are permanently secure. This makes our partner one of the most important employers in the region.